What types of cases does DFD represent?

Amicable Divorce

How do you divorce amicably, easily, quickly, and affordably? With the help of Drama-Free Divorce. While our team of family divorce lawyers handles a variety of family cases, the end goal is always the same: to help clients achieve divorce without the drama. We cover divorce, paternity actions, motions to modify, and parenting plans.

A Paternity Action is a filing before the Court led by our team of divorce lawyers to establish a man to be the biological father of a child in the case of unmarried parents.

A Drama-Free Divorce is for couples who come to an agreement in all aspects of their marriage and wish to divorce amicably.

A Motion to Modify is a pleading filed with the court to request changes to a prior agreement such as parenting plans, child support, and so on.

Finally, your Drama-Free Divorce attorney can help you develop a parenting plan through documentation, which establishes the responsibilities of each parent.

If you have any questions about Drama-Free Divorce, including our divorce information and resources, reach out by calling (816) 615-5555 or filling out our intake form online.

The choice of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely on advertisements. Drama-Free Divorce is affiliated with Fisher Law LLC.

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