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Divorce Advice & Resources

Financial Disagreements and Divorce

Posted by Crissy Del Percio | Nov 04, 2019 | 0 Comments

financial disagreements and divorce

Divorce can be an emotionally and financially draining process for all involved. Financial differences often play a part in divorce proceedings. Emotional disputes may also arise. We will explore different kinds of financial conflicts that can occur during divorce proceedings and how best to approach them.

Marriage is more than just two hearts coming together, it also represents a partnership in terms of finances. As couples form relationships together, their financial fates often intertwine as they amass assets, debts, and financial responsibilities that will need to be divided upon divorce proceedings. Once divorce proceedings begin, this complex web must be untangled from its roots if assets division proceedings take place. Divorce financial disputes frequently revolve around the division of assets, including homes, investments, and bank accounts. Couples are frequently left grappling with difficult questions such as who gets what and when. To ensure an equal distribution of assets, the process should be carried out transparently and fairly.

Financial support may become another source of contention during divorce proceedings. Alimony or spousal maintenance payments could create tension as each side attempts to secure their financial future after divorce. When making decisions about support payments, keep this in mind as each side needs financial security afterward.

Factors to be considered when calculating child support include factors like the length and financial state of each marriage as well as your ability to support yourself independently. Financial disputes that involve children can also involve child-support arrangements, and an appropriate amount and payment schedule must be determined and adhered to. Courts usually consider several factors when calculating child maintenance, such as marital status and the costs involved. Communication between both parents, the needs of the child, and focusing on his/her interests are keys to reducing conflict but debts and liabilities also remain factors.

Divorce involves more than the division of assets, it also requires allocating debts. Couples commonly share financial responsibilities like loans, mortgages, and credit card bills that need to be fairly distributed among themselves. Disagreements about how best to distribute this burden often arise during negotiations regarding equitable distribution. To avoid disagreements, it is vitally important that documentation exists that details shared debts. It should also provide clarity about financial liabilities associated with each debt being allocated between spouses. 

Financial disagreements can be resolved more efficiently through full and honest disclosure of finances during a divorce. Both parties should provide accurate data regarding assets, income, and liabilities during this process. Any discrepancies or hidden assets may lead to long legal battles and create tension. Transparency promotes trust while aiding fair financial settlements. 

Financial disagreements can make divorce more complex. However, approaching these matters with open communication and fairness will help facilitate an easier experience. Seeking professional advice such as legal or financial counsel may also assist in the journey through divorce's complex landscape. Disagreements can be resolved more peacefully and sustainably if approached with empathy and an eagerness to find common ground.

For inquiries related to divorce laws, alimony laws, or child support laws, or to hire a legal professional who is expert on divorce laws, contact Drama Free Divorce through this number (816) 615-5555

About the Author

Crissy Del Percio

Crissy Del Percio is a graduate of the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law. Additionally, she received her undergraduate degrees in Journalism (News and Information) and Communication Studies from the world-renowned home of the Jayhawks – the University of Kansas. She has been practicing law for a decade and spent the first part of her career specializing in helping low-income survivors of domestic violence. Now at Drama-Free Divorce, Crissy enjoys helping people consciously uncouple. She is also a Guardian Ad Litem and domestic mediator. Crissy has won a number of prestigious awards for her work in public service, but you likely recognize her from her acting career, where she is also an award-winner. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her egregiously overpriced dog, Augustus Rodham and knitting. 


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