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Divorce Advice & Resources

Understanding the Impacts of Infidelity on Divorce Proceedings

Posted by Drama Free Divorce | Feb 23, 2020 | 0 Comments

understanding the impacts of infidelity on divorce proceedings

Infidelity has an enormously destructive effect on divorce proceedings, altering both outcomes and legal proceedings. Its effects are felt most acutely in decisions regarding child custody and alimony payments as well as asset division, further complicating divorce proceedings. Additionally, infidelity often results in more contentious divorce proceedings due to emotional complications. Thus, people must understand this interplay between emotions and legal considerations when going through this experience.

Divorce is a legal way of marking the end of a relationship, but when infidelity enters the equation, emotions run high, and legal implications become complicated. Divorces often cite infidelity as grounds for divorce proceedings; many couples cite infidelity as grounds for dissolution as well. Infidelity can have a substantial impact on how assets are divided in a marriage. Some jurisdictions consider infidelity when making distribution decisions of property and financial resources, with significant impacts on property distribution being determined based on infidelity alone.

Courts place great weight on protecting children during custody battles, emphasizing their well-being. When one parent asserts that infidelity has negatively impacted a child, courts may be inclined toward them when making custody decisions that impact a child's future. Recognizing each case's unique aspects and exercising careful deliberation when rendering these important judgments further complicate matters when coupled with legal scrutiny over safeguarding the best interests of a child as part of divorce proceedings.

Infidelity may also have a substantial effect on alimony or spousal maintenance awards. While some jurisdictions separate financial considerations from personal considerations when awarding maintenance payments, other courts may take marital misconduct into account when setting amounts and length of maintenance agreements. If one spouse can demonstrate how infidelity has caused financial damage they could qualify for more favorable alimony arrangements.

Understanding that divorce laws vary across jurisdictions is critical when embarking on proceedings involving infidelity. Some states do not consider infidelity a major factor when considering divorce proceedings while others still consider fault as a basis for separation. An experienced lawyer is necessary in successfully navigating this legal terrain.

Ultimately, Infidelity has many complex legal repercussions that are difficult to anticipate in such an emotional time as divorce proceedings are underway, yet understanding its effects on asset division, child care arrangements, and alimony arrangements is key to arriving at an acceptable solution that fits individual circumstances. Understanding what legal implications there are of infidelity will allow individuals to better navigate this tangled web of issues related to infidelity in divorce.

If you want to learn more or hire a divorce lawyer, contact Drama-Free Divorce LLC at this number: (816) 615-5555. Our team of attorneys are dedicated to help people solve their divorce problems and other related law issues in Kansas City, MO and KS. Call now and talk to us so we can start discussing about your concerns. 

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